Minggu, 22 November 2009

10-Step Tutorial for Starting an Online Business

Starting and operating an Internet business is surprisingly similar to operating any other business. Good business practices, like building the confidence of customers through truthful advertising, providing products and services at a fair price, and developing long-term business relationships, are as applicable to Internet businesses as they are to any other businesses.
Having said that, there are some important differences related to Internet businesses.
• Low Start-up Costs - When you decide to start a business online, you can do so with as little as a few hundred dollars and a good idea. However, don't be misled into believing that the Internet is an arena for instant riches with little or no effort. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like any business, it takes creativity, planning, money and hard work to be successful.
• Multiple Skill Requirements - Suddenly it's not enough to simply have a good product or service. To use the Internet effectively, you now need to have or be able to acquire skills in graphic design, web server technology, programming, and a brand new marketing medium, not to mention skills needed in multi-lingual translations, international accounting and legal issues. Fortunately, it is not necessary that you have all this knowledge yourself. With the right combination of strategic partners and associates, all of these skills are easily found, if you know where to look. That's where we come in! We can get you in touch with all the professionals you need to accomplish your task.
• Endless Marketing Possibilities - The opportunities and ease of fostering strategic alliances to bolster marketing efforts is unsurpassed on the Internet. The reason we see so many cooperative relationships between companies online is that doing so has become so simple and so profitable. The advertising industry has found itself with many more possibilities as well as significantly more competition.
• Easily Traceable Results - Another byproduct of business on the internet is that tracking potential customers as a group and visitor preferences is an ordinary part of business on the Internet. See Promotion for more on this topic!
• International Audience - Even if you do not think of your business as an international business, you must recognize that your visitors are likely to be from all over the world. You should consider whether or not you are prepared for international shipping and other transactions with countries other than your own. You should also strongly consider having your website translated onto languages other than English. The percentage of non-US businesses on the Internet has risen dramatically in just the past year!
• Professional Look - If you are a Web Professional who is planning and designing web pages for others, we have a secret to share with you. It's called the "Proposal Kit". What it's done for our company is help us look more professional, charge higher fees and get paid for all of our work. It's the best investment we have made since we started our business!

10-Step Tutorial for Starting an Online Business

Starting and operating an Internet business is surprisingly similar to operating any other business. Good business practices, like building the confidence of customers through truthful advertising, providing products and services at a fair price, and developing long-term business relationships, are as applicable to Internet businesses as they are to any other businesses.
Having said that, there are some important differences related to Internet businesses.
• Low Start-up Costs - When you decide to start a business online, you can do so with as little as a few hundred dollars and a good idea. However, don't be misled into believing that the Internet is an arena for instant riches with little or no effort. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like any business, it takes creativity, planning, money and hard work to be successful.
• Multiple Skill Requirements - Suddenly it's not enough to simply have a good product or service. To use the Internet effectively, you now need to have or be able to acquire skills in graphic design, web server technology, programming, and a brand new marketing medium, not to mention skills needed in multi-lingual translations, international accounting and legal issues. Fortunately, it is not necessary that you have all this knowledge yourself. With the right combination of strategic partners and associates, all of these skills are easily found, if you know where to look. That's where we come in! We can get you in touch with all the professionals you need to accomplish your task.
• Endless Marketing Possibilities - The opportunities and ease of fostering strategic alliances to bolster marketing efforts is unsurpassed on the Internet. The reason we see so many cooperative relationships between companies online is that doing so has become so simple and so profitable. The advertising industry has found itself with many more possibilities as well as significantly more competition.
• Easily Traceable Results - Another byproduct of business on the internet is that tracking potential customers as a group and visitor preferences is an ordinary part of business on the Internet. See Promotion for more on this topic!
• International Audience - Even if you do not think of your business as an international business, you must recognize that your visitors are likely to be from all over the world. You should consider whether or not you are prepared for international shipping and other transactions with countries other than your own. You should also strongly consider having your website translated onto languages other than English. The percentage of non-US businesses on the Internet has risen dramatically in just the past year!
• Professional Look - If you are a Web Professional who is planning and designing web pages for others, we have a secret to share with you. It's called the "Proposal Kit". What it's done for our company is help us look more professional, charge higher fees and get paid for all of our work. It's the best investment we have made since we started our business!

Cara Daftar Google Adsense

Seperti janji saya kemarin lusa bahwa saya akan coba membahas seputar google adsense, dan kali ini adalah mengenai cara-cara mendaftar. Namun sebelum menginjak kepada topik utama yakni bagaimana mendaftar di google adsense ada beberapa hal atau lebih tepat saya sebut kiat-kiat bagaimana agar blog kita lebih memungkinkan untuk di terima menjadi anggota dari Google adsense, karena tak jarang pemilik blog yang ingin ikut program ini merasa kapok di sebabkan pihak google adsense menolak dari keanggotaan dirinya.Yang perlu di ingat adalah kiat-kiat yang saya berikan ini adalah bukanlah suatu hal yang mutlak apabila dilakukan akan 100 persen menjamin sobat di terima di google adsense, akan tetapi hanyalah sebuah tips sebagai bahan pertimbangan sobat semua. Baiklah, di bawah ini saya berikan beberapa kiat agar lebih cepat di terima oleh Google adsense :
• Berbahasa inggris
Usakan blog yang di daftarkan ke google adsense mempunyai bahasa utama bahasa inggris, karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang di support oleh adsense, yang perlu di ketahui adalah apabila kita sudah di terima oleh adsense, kita
dapat menyimpan kode iklannya pada blog milik kita yang lainnya, tidak terbatas kepada blog yang di daftarkan. Jadi hanya sekedar untuk lulus seleksi, sebaiknya buatlah dulu blog yang berbahasa inggris. Bagaimana apabila tidak bisa bahasa inggris dan tentunya tidak mempunyai blog yang berbahasa inggris? sobat jangan terlebih dahulu putus harapan, silahkan coba dulu daftarkan blognya di adsense karena sudah banyak blog yang berbahasa indosesia pun bisa di terima oleh adsense.
• Sudah banyak posting artikel
Biasanya ini yang sering terjadi, sebuah blog yang baru jadi dan hanya berisi satu atau dua posting artikel saja sudah di daftarkan ke adsense. Sebaiknya isilah terlebih dahulu blognya dengan beberapa postingan artikel, minimal sudah mempunyai 10 buah artikel barulah coba daftarkan di adsense.
• Design blog harus rapi
Sebaiknya tatalah terlebih dahulu blog yang akan di daftarkan ke adsense, walaupun Google adsense tidak mengharuskan bahwa yang di daftarkan adalah sebuah situs atau blog yang bersifat profesional, namun adsense tidak menginginkan iklan nya pada blog yang terkesan di desain asal jadi.
• Blog sudah ada pengunjungnya
Usakan bahwa blog kita sudah ada pengunjungnya, minimal sudah pernah di kunjungi oleh 100 orang pengunjung. Selain itu yang perlu di ingat adalah bisnis Google adsense ini merupakan bisnis yang sangat bergantung kepada para pengunjung blog, percuma saja apabila kita sudah punya iklan adsense tapi masih sepi pengunjung. Agar blognya banyak di kunjungi pengunjung tentu kita harus berpromosi ria ke sana kemari
dan isi dari blog kita ada hal yang di rasa bermanfaat bagi para pengunjung blog.
Mungkin itu saja dulu beberapa kiat dari saya agar blog sobat lebih besar kemungkinannya di terima oleh Google adsense. Sudah siapkah untuk mendaftar ke google adsense? baiklah, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Untuk mendaftar adsense sobat bisa klik pada banner yang berada di sebelah kanan atas blog ini
2. Setelah berada pada situs Google adsense, silahkan klik tombol dropdown yang berada pada sebelah atas dan pilihlah bahasa indonesia agar lebih di mengerti oleh kita.
3. Klik tombol Daftar sekarang
4. Ada beberapa form yang harus di isi :
o URL Situs Web[?] –> isi dengan alamat URL sobat. Contoh : http://kolom-tutorial.blogspot.com
o Bahasa pada website –> klik menu dropdownnya, lalu pilih bahasa utama dari blog sobat, bahasa inggris atau bahasa indonesia
o Jenis Account: [?] –> pilih yang individual
o Negara atau wilayah: –> pilih indonesia (sesuaikan dengan tempat tinggal sobat)
o Nama penerima pembayaran –> isi dengan nama lengkap sobat. ini sangatlah penting, jangan di singkat. contoh : Rohman Abdul Manap jangan di singkat jadi Rohman AM
o Alamat: –> isi dengan alamat lengkap sobat
o Kota: –> isi dengan nama kota dimana sobat tinggal. contoh : bandung
o Negara bagian: –> tidak perlu, ini khusus untuk amerika
o Kode pos: [?] –> isi dengan kode pos
o Telepon: –> isi dengan nomor telepon sobat
o Dibawah tulisan kebijakan, silahkan sobat centang semua kotak kecil yang berisi perjanjian bahwa sobat menyetujuinya
o Klik tombol Submit Informasi
5. Selesai.
Langkah selanjutnya adalah menunggu kiriman email dari google adsense, dan selama itu silahkan berdoa agar om google dapat berkenan menerima sobat.
Untuk cara daftar saya rasa cukup sekian dulu, silahkan nantikan artikel selanjutnya.
Silahkan berharap-harap cemas.
Dikutip dari http://amen24.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/cara-daftar-google-adsense/

Sabtu, 07 November 2009


Regards Success gets to carry on business Internet

There are many trick which we can sail through to do abiding Internet Business, Edge out, and Quick. And Its system is simple, are easily comprehended, and patient kalo can get production fair to middling a lot of.
Make Money Blogging is thing that modestly, but is not easily to be done. Every thing needs effort and investment that done by patient ala, painstaking and no nonsense. To come up level results money from blog, there is things which shall be made ready. Beginning of determine online business type that can thru carry on blog, build and brings off blog that alone, until pets that blog's existence at Internet arena.

Make Money Blogging is one alternative profession at Internet already evident can give big opportunity for one any one for reasonable ala life. Issue about a lot of millionaire which comes into the world from blogging's activity and marketing's Internet is now is not again story that don't evident. Myself have experienced it! Up to final semester (April period – December) at year 2008 then, I feel just how relish it make money blogging. Besides since this activity is evident gives I production upon averagely young man mostly (Thank God), also because it one will have become my hobby.

Maybe there is that asks, get what production monthly I? You must know that production estimation at world blogging really fluktuatif, very dependent of Internet market dynamics. But at least, I can tell that quiesently, I can get production upon $1000 USD / moon. If dikalkulasikan with production of me online business another, therefore me monthly income can reach $10000 USD. Two months last (November and December) at end 2008 just me result upon $20000 USD. Have ever been you imagine have production as big as that with just work from home only? How with blogger blogger pro another already results until 6 USD'S digits per its moon?

Need Process and hard-earned
If you see my attainment this one fruitfulness, therefore I want to emphasize that all that be not been gotten squashy. I must lumber and laid low build up to vicinity 2 years (2006 – 2007) building current existence. My beginning study ngeblog selfeducated ala at freehosting blogspot.com. Up to now actually still more a lot of its selfeducated. And that is process which I really pride! Elongated trip that confiscates not only time, energy, material and also academic I that is that now as big capital for progressively go forward, amends and getting success. Until whereabouts its following?
According to me, will never there is cusp top at blogging's business and this marketing's Internet. Along man is still need Internet as part of modern civilization certainty, therefore along it too innovation and online business improvisation also been passed off. Nah, whereabouts your current position?

As one all this time I want, Godwilling I will ever be shared with all party which interests and serious want mendalami this online business. On postingan this, I will attach to be more than 55 trick get moneys from blog / make money blogging what do as it long was evident and a large part among those I follow serious alae. Any kind that?

Trick Gets Money from Blog (Make Money Blogging)
As proverbial as ‘ A Lot Of Road Wend Romes ’, so too by gets money from blog. Wholly, program who can be followed to result money from blog we can agglomerate as some part big, for example:

Nah, at postingan first part about Trick Get Money from Blog (Make Money Blogging) this, I will only comment about Pay Per Click (PPC) and Shopping Networks just. Godwilling I will drawn out to postingan next until quite a complete. I hope this can help we all for get success at world blogging and marketing's Internet.

PPC'S advertising program (Pay Per Click) pay if a reader / blog mengklik's visitor on that advertising.
Payment usually varies base a number factor, including advertising type, assess resulting key word advertising, via click per present (CTR / Click Through is Rate) to blog, and blog's age. Google AdSense is recognised all the much and be utilized as PPC program, but there is other option.


Google Adsense is program PPC the most is known and at most followed by blogger now. There are many blogger what does reach for until thousands dollars of advertising gets this click basis. Trick foses it is so easy. You just need to have blog gets english language basis with whatever topic, can at blog gratisan as at blogspot.com or at blogsome.com. To list blog you, visit Adsense's Google sites Programs and follow succeeding registration road map. If blog you have diapprove (accepted) by Adsense's Google, therefore succeeding phase is assemble advertising code at blog you. If Adsense's advertising was present at blog you, therefore you will be paid if available person that mengklik that advertising. Hereafter, you please to study how to optimize income of Adsense's Google. Sought for just at Internet.


AdBrite Marketplace is alternative both of one you can follow as PPC'S program. Its job mechanism is well-nigh equals Adsense's Google upon. Payment via crosses a cheque that will be transferred to your home address. Its following, if can cross a cheque, please to study cheques dilute trick Adbrite at bank that is at Indonesia. Click in here to register AdBrite's program.
Yahoo! Publisher
Yahoo! Publisher also kindred with Adsense's Google, but not many is utilized as PPC'S advertising. Yahoo program! Publisher just openended for publisher / blogger at UK and USA. Want to register?


BidVertiser is alternative other for Adsense. Are not as Adsense who pays we while minimal earning $100 USD, BidVertiser pays most minimal $10 USD passes through Paypal. Similar to AdBrite, are not requisite have english-speaking blog for can register at BidVertiser. Want to register as publisher at BidVertiser?


Clicksor offers various advertising type, including text which alike with banner Adsense's advertising and InLine Is text advertising. To fose with Clicksor, needed by blog that english-speaking with minimal 5000 page views / days and is not at hosting gratisan as blogspot.com and wordpress.com. If you have blog with such specification, therefore tries to list at Clicksor.


SpeedyAds is PPC'S advertising network belongs to EntireWeb. Payment via Paypal, minimal $50 USD. Blog with whatever topic and gets language any kind can register at SpeedyAds.


ExoClick also constitute reasonable PPC program is followed. Even earning what do be on the market much smaller appealed by Adsense's Google, but if traffik blog you are equal to, therefore no its false assemble ExoClick's advertising at blog you.


Obeus offers to program also advertising easy we follow and really flexible. Just just bayarannya goodly little. Obeus's payment is done through Egold and Paypal. Want to register at Obeus?


Etology can also make alternative option to program PPC. Price per clicks Etology's advertising fair to middling big, so no its false foses with program one it. List blog your at Etology.
PPC is Indonesia Local

Since doesn't require english language to know about PPC'S brokers locals at Indonesian, therefore I will only attach name and link of PPC'S program that local hereunder:
- Kliksaya. Com
- AdsenseCamp
- Indofad

Expenditure network programming (shopping networks) largely is program affiliation that offer opportunity to advertise a variety product at blog You. Most of this program membayarkan resulting sell percentage of Your sites. Any kind program Shopping Networks that?


Its beginning amazon is known as place buy online ala book, but is now we can buy whatever of Amazon. As one affiliate programs, Amazon pays sell percentage to publisher / blogger that conjoined as affiliasi they. By foses by Amazon, you can insert link's text goes to posting or banner is advertising to promote as almost alround at blog you. You can also make alone online shop as branch as of Amazon.


PPC Chitika's program offer advertising bases subjek posting at blog You or whereabouts that advertising are arisen (contextual ads). There are many blogger Indonesian that successful with this Chitika's program. Chitika's advertising in view as follows:

Want conjoined with Chitika also?


WidgetBucks very much like Chitika. List blog your with WidgetBucks programs here.


Shopping. com is program PPC who pays blogger bases click amount that done by blog's visitor you who wend on merchant's sites sort at Shopping.com's network.


Overstock. com pays until 7% commissions on resulting sell through sites or blog You. Alike with Amazon, you can promote goods that sold by Overstock.com at various blog's sites that you have.


Shopzilla equals Amazon and Overstock. Shopzilla's list in here.


Ebay offers two tricks to result incomes. First, you get commission if someone register at Ebay passes through link at sites / blog You. Both of, You get 50% of Ebay's commissions if a bidder successfuling to buy goodses at Ebay that at click of sites or blog You. You can insert banner's text and advertising to promote product that is sold at Ebay into blog that you have. Ebay pays to pass through cheque goes to your home address.
How is your comment? Apparently there are many easy way to result money from blog, are not? AND HEREUNDER IS SITESES ALREADY EVIDENT AND REALLY ADVANTAGE
Ayo carries on business which you want......
And gets to benefit that abundant at ……'s Internet